Dr. Amandeep Singh Shahi
Mechanical Engineering
ashahi@sliet.ac.in, ashahisliet@yahoo.co.in, ashahisliet@gmail.com
Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India M. Tech. Mechanical Engineering (Production), Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, Punjab, India. B. E. (Mechanical Engineering), Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India.
Book Chapters
1. Jastej Singh & A. S. Shahi Book: Recent Advances in Welding (2020), Book chapter accepted (Chapter no. 8): ‘Weldability aspects of electron beam welded duplex stainless steel’ Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA, Editors: Franscisco Silva & Antonio Pereira 2020.
2. Fracture Toughness and Fatigue Behaviour of Variably Precipitated Inconel 625/AISI 304L Welds, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Superalloy 718 & Derivatives: Energy, Aerospace, and Industrial Applications pp 867-879. Part of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series book series (MMMS). 3. Pitting Behavior of Thermally Aged Inconel 625 Weld Claddings Made Using SMAW and GMAW Process, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Superalloy 718 & Derivatives: Energy, Aerospace, and Industrial Applications pp 881-892. Part of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series book series (MMMS).
Membership/Fellowship of Professional Societies (i) Life member IWS (Indian Welding Society) (ii) Life member ISTE (Indian Society for Technical Education) (iii) Punjab Academy of Sciences (iv) Member of AWS (American Welding Society) (v) Life member SMES (SLIET Mechanical Engineering Society)
(vi) Member TMS (Minerals, Materials and Metals) Society, USA
Google scholar ID: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=en&user=81lCkT4AAAAJ
Research publications in International journals (SCI/SCIE)
1. Shahi, A.S. and Pandey, .S., Welding current prediction in GMAW and UGMAW process using response surface methodology, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, UK, Volume 11, Number 3, May 2006, pp.341-346(6), -A journal of (IOM3) Institute of Mining, Materials and Metallurgy, UK. 2. Shahi A.S. and Pandey .S, Universal Gas Metal Arc Welding-a cost effective and low dilution surfacing process, Australasian Welding Journal, Australia, Volume 51, 3rd Quarter (Special Issue), 2006, pp.52-56. 3. Shahi A.S. and Pandey .S, Prediction of dilution in GMA and UGMA stainless steel single layer cladding using response surface methodology Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, UK, Volume 11, Number 6, November 2006, pp.634-640(7). 4. Shahi A.S., Pandey .S and J. S. Gill, Effect of auxiliary preheating of the filler wire on dilution in Gas Metal Arc Stainless steel surfacing using RSM, Journal of Surface Engineering, UK, Volume 23, Number 5, November 2007, pp.384-390. 5. Shahi A.S. and Pandey .S, Effect of auxiliary preheating of the filler wire on quality of Gas metal arc stainless steel claddings, ASM International’s Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, USA, Volume 17, Number 1, February 2008, pp.30-36. 6. Shahi A.S. and Pandey .S., Modelling of the effects of welding conditions on dilution in stainless steel cladding using gas metal arc welding procedures Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 196, Number 5, January 2008, pp.339-344. 7. Subodh Kumar and Shahi A.S., Effect of heat input on mechanical properties of GTA welded AISI 304 SS joints, Materials and Design, Volume 32, 2011, pp. 3617–3623. 8. Subodh Kumar and Shahi A.S., On the Influence of Welding Stainless Steel on Microstructural Development and Mechanical Performance, Materials and Manufacturing Processes.2014.Vol. 29, pp. 894-902. 9. Varun Sharma and Shahi A. S., Effect of groove design on mechanical and metallurgical properties of Quenched and Tempered low alloy abrasion resistant steel welded joints, Materials and Design, Volume 52, January 2014, pp. 727-736. 10. Sandeep Singh Sandhu, Shahi A. S, ‘Metallurgical, wear and fatigue performance of Inconel 625 weld claddings’, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol 233(2016) 1-8. 11. Varun Sharma and A. S. Shahi, Quenched and tempered steel welded with micro-alloyed based ferritic fillers, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol 253(2018) 2-16. 12. Jastej Singh and A.S. Shahi, Weld joint design and thermal aging influence on the metallurgical, sensitization and pitting corrosion behavior of AISI 304L stainless steel welds, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol 33(2018) 126-135. 13. Varun Sharma, AS Shahi and Subodh Kumar, Influence of different filler weld wire chemistries on metallurgical and mechanical behavior of ultrahigh strength steel welded joints, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L, Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, https://doi.org/10.1177/1464420719844798.
14. Jastej Singh and A.S. Shahi, Impact Toughness, Fatigue Crack Growth and Corrosion Behavior of Thermally Aged UNS S32205 Duplex Stainless Steel, Trans Indian Inst Met https://doi.org/10.1007/s12666-019-01574-7 The Indian Institute of Metals – IIM 2019 (Springer).
15. Jastej Singh and A.S. Shahi, Metallurgical, impact and fatigue performance of electron beam welded duplex stainless steel joints, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 272 (2019), pp.137-148.
16. Jastej Singh and A.S. Shahi, “Metallurgical and corrosion characterization of electron beam welded duplex stainless steel joints.” Journal of Manufacturing Processes 50 (2020) 581-595.
17. Dikshant Malhotra and A. S. Shahi, Weld metal composition and aging influence on metallurgical, corrosion and fatigue crack growth behavior of austenitic stainless steel welds. Materials Research Express/ IOP Publishing Issue date: October 2019, Issue 6 ISSN: 2053159.
18. Dikshant Malhotra and A. S. Shahi, Metallurgical, fatigue and pitting corrosion behavior of AISI 316 joints welded with Nb based stabilized steel filler. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A/ Springer Nature Issue date: April 2020, Issue 51, pp. 1647-1664 ISSN: 10735623.
19. Mohd. Majid and A. S. Shahi, Influence of intermetallic precipitation on metallurgical, mechanical and pitting behavior of AISI 2205 duplex stainless steel welded joints, Mater. Res. Express 6 (2019) 1265e8.
20. Adarsh Prakash and A. S. Shahi, Investigations On High Temperature Wear And Metallurgical Characteristics Of Stellite 6 GTA (Gas Tungsten Arc) Weld Claddings, Mater. Res. Express 7 (2020) 026509.
21. Sumeet Singh, Jastej Singh and A. S. Shahi, Investigation on Aging-Induced Degradation of Impact Toughness and Corrosion Performance of Duplex Stainless Steel Weldment, Transactions of Indian Institute of Metals.
22. Dikshant Malhotra, Kamal Gupta and A. S. Shahi, Effect of GTAW remelting on the corrosion performance of AISI 316L cladding, Materials and Corrosion, DOI: 10.1002/maco.202011666.
23. Subodh Kumar, A.S. Shahi, Varun Sharma, and Dikshant Malhotra, Effect of Welding Heat Input and Post-weld Thermal Aging on the Sensitization and Pitting Corrosion Behavior of AISI 304L Stainless Steel Butt Welds, Journal of Engineering Materials and Perfromance, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-021-05454-4.
24. J Singh & A. S. Shahi, Electrochemical corrosion behavior and microstructural characteristics of electron beam welded UNS S32205 duplex stainless steel, Materials and Corrosion. https://doi.org/10.1002/maco.202012201
Research publications in International Conferences
1. Shahi A.S. and Pandey .S, Prediction of dilution in Universal gas metal arc cladding using response surface methodology, ASM’s 7th International Conference on Trends in Welding Research, held from May 15-18, 2005 at Pine Mountain, Georgia, Atlanta, USA. pp .459-464. 2. Shahi A.S. and Pandey .S, ‘Prediction of cladding index in GMA and Universal-GMA stainless steel cladding using response surface methodology’, ASM’s 8th International Conference on Trends in Welding Research, held from June 1-6, 2008 at Pine Mountain, Georgia, Atlanta, USA. 3. Shahi A.S. and Pandey .S, Weld bead geometry optimization of preheated filler-GMAW process for stainless steel surfacing using response surface methodology, 25th International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies (SMT25), held from June 20-22, 2011 at University West, Trollhatten, Sweden. pp. 29-38. 4. Sandeep Singh Sandhu and Shahi A.S., Experimental investigations on Inconel-625 surfacing of austenitic stainless steel (AISI 304L) using SMAW process, 25th International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies (SMT25), held from June 20-22, 2011 at University West, Trollhatten, Sweden. pp. 289-296. 5. Sandeep Singh Sandhu and Shahi A.S., Effect of Nitriding on the frictional wear properties of AISI 304L surfaced with Inconel 625 using SMAW process, ASM’s 9th International Conference on Trends in Welding Research, held from June 1-6, 2012 at Pine Mountain, Georgia, Atlanta, USA. pp. 763-769. 6. Shahi A.S. and Pandey .S, Universal gas metal arc cladding-a preheated filler MIG surfacing concept, International conference organized by the Australian Institute of Metals, Welding Institute of Australia and IGCAR, India on Pressure Vessels and Piping-OPE 2006, held from 7-9 February, 2006 at Chennai, India. 7. Shahi A.S. and Pandey .S, Modeling of dilution in stainless steel cladding deposited through mechanized GMAW and UGMAW process using RSM approach, Global Conference on Production and Industrial Engineering (CPIE-2007), held from March 22-24, 2007 at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar. Paper code-328. 8. Shahi A.S. and Pandey .S, Dilution and corrosion rate of gas metal arc stainless steel cladding through auxiliary preheating of the welding wire, International Institute of Welding, International Congress IIW-IC-2008 held from January 8-10, 2008 at Chennai Trade Centre, Chennai. (Paper code C-122) 9. Kulwant Singh, Pandey .S and Shahi A.S., Dilution and corrosion rate of gas metal arc stainless steel cladding through auxiliary preheating of the welding wire, International Institute of Welding, International Congress IIW-IC-2008 held from January 8-10, 2008 at Chennai Trade Centre, Chennai. (Paper code C-120) 10. Subodh Kumar and Shahi A.S., HAZ toughness evaluation under cryogenic conditions for AISI 304L welded joints subjected to carbide precipitation, 3rd International Conference on Production and Industrial Engineering CPIE-2013 held from March 29-31, 2013 at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, (Paper code-521) pp.315-318. 11. Varun Sharma and Shahi A.S., Sliding wear modeling of Quenched and Tempered low alloy abrasion resistant steel, 3rd International Conference on Production and Industrial Engineering CPIE-2013 held from March 29-31, 2013 at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, (Paper code-801) pp.639-647. 12. Pravin Kumar Singh and Shahi A.S., , Microstructural modifications through inducing of auxiliary mechanical vibrations into the Shielded metal arc weld pool, 3rd International Conference on Production and Industrial Engineering CPIE-2013 held from March 29-31, 2013 at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, (Paper code-522) pp.319-322. 13. Subodh Kumar and A. S. Shahi (2012), “Austenitic stainless steels in nuclear industries-A review”, International Conference on Advancements in Engineering and Technology (ICAET-2012) held on October 12-13, 2012 at B.G.I.E.T. Sangrur, Punjab, India. pp. 146-151. 14. Subodh Kumar and A. S. Shahi (2013), “HAZ toughness evaluation under conditions for AISI 304L welded joints subjected to carbide precipitation”, 3rd International Conference on Production and Industrial Engineering (CPIE-2013) held on March 29-31, 2013 at N.I.T. Jalandhar, Punjab, India. pp. 315-318. 15. Subodh Kumar and A. S. Shahi (2015), “Sensitization behavior of GTAW austenitic stainless steel joints”, 3rd International Conference on Advancements in Engineering and Technology (ICAET-2015) held on March 20-21, 2015 at B.G.I.E.T. Sangrur, Punjab, India. pp. 530-533. 16. A. S. Shahi and Subodh Kumar (2015), “Effect of grain boundary carbide precipitation on metallurgical and corrosion behavior of AISI 304L stainless steel welds”, 22nd International Conference on Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials and their Applications (ATEMA-2015) held on 15-19, June, 2015, at McGill University, Montreal, Canada. pp. 101-108. 17. J. S. Gill and Shahi A. S., Improving Corrosion Behaviour of Gas Metal Arc Stainless Steel Weld Claddings Using Arc Deflection Technique, MONTRÉAL’2015 AES-ATEMA (Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials and their Applications)-22nd International Conference held from June 15 – 19, 2015 at McGill University, Montreal, Canada. pp. 109 -116. 18. Mohd. Majid and Shahi A. S., Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Surface GTA Re-melting in Flux Cored Arc Duplex Stainless Steel Welds, MONTRÉAL’2015 AES-ATEMA (Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials and their Applications)-22nd International Conference held from June 15 – 19, 2015 at McGill University, Montreal, Canada. pp. 117-122. 19. Varun Sharma, Subodh Kumar and A. S. Shahi (2016), “Sliding wear analysis of ultra high strength steel using full factorial design approach”, 4th International Conference on Advancements in Engineering and Technology (ICAET-2016) held on March 18-19, 2016 at B.G.I.E.T. Sangrur, Punjab, India. pp. 1153-1159. 20. Subodh Kumar, Varun Sharma and A. S. Shahi (2016), “Carbide precipitation behavior of austenitic stainless steel welded joints”, 4th International Conference on Advancements in Engineering and Technology (ICAET-2016) held on March 18-19, 2016 at B.G.I.E.T. Sangrur, Punjab, India. pp. 1166-1170. 21. Mohit Kumar, Subodh Kumar and A. S. Shahi (2016), “Sensitization and low cycle fatigue behavior of thermally aged AISI 304 SS butt joints”, 4th International Conference on Production and Industrial Engineering (CPIE-2016) held on December 19-21, 2016, at N.I.T. Jalandhar, Punjab, India. 22. Kamal Gupta, Subodh Kumar and A. S. Shahi (2016), “GTA surface re-melting technique for improving corrosion performance of AISI 316l SS weld claddings”, 4th International Conference on Production and Industrial Engineering (CPIE-2016) held on December 19-21, 2016, at N.I.T. Jalandhar, Punjab, India.
Research publications in National Conferences
1. Shahi A.S. and Pandey .S, Response surface model for predicting dilution in automatic weld cladding using UGMAW process, Paper presented in the National Conference on Precision Manufacturing-NCPM 2004, held on December 11-12, 2004 at Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Longowal, Punjab. 2. Shahi A.S., Pandey .S, and Kulwant Singh, Parametric optimization and comparison of penetration in GMA and Universal- GMA stainless steel cladding using RSM’ Proceedings of WPQ-2007 (National Conference on Welding Productivity and Quality)-Naval Research Board and Naval Materials Research Laboratory-DRDO, Thane, Maharashtra, held on February 19-21, 2007, pp. 389-396. 3. Shahi A.S., Varun Sharma and Pandey .S. ‘Prediction of Cladding index in Gas Metal Arc stainless steel cladding using response surface methodology’ National conference on Recent Advances in Design Dynamics & Manufacturing NCDDM-2007, held from March 16-17, 2007, SLIET, Longowal, Punjab. 4. Shahi A.S. and Pandey .S, Austenitic stainless steel – A review, National workshop on Welding Technology-Present status and future trends, held from April 25-26, 2003, SLIET, Longowal, Punjab. 5. Gurmeet Kaur, A.S.Shahi, Rupinder Singh & Jasmaninder Singh, Some studies on Back-bead geometry of mild steel using Automatic GMAW process, held from January 18-19, 2004, National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Manufacturing Systems-etms-2004, SLIET, Longowal, Punjab & Indian Welding Society. 6. J. S. Gill, A.S.Shahi, N. D. Sharma & Balraj Gill, Effect of primary welding parameters on mechanical properties of MAG welded butt joints, held from January 18-19, 2004, National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Manufacturing Systems-etms-2004, SLIET, Longowal, Punjab & Indian Welding Society. 7.Pushpinder Singh, Anil Sharma and A.S.Shahi, Chromium carbide precipitation in austenitic stainless steels-Causes and cures, held from January 18-19, 2004, National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Manufacturing Systems-etms-2004, SLIET, Longowal, Punjab & Indian Welding Society. 8. A.S.Shahi, Sahib Sartaj Singh, Nitin Singla, Tarun Nanda and Sunil Pandey, Prediction of UTS and toughness properties of SAW welded joints, held from July 22-23, 2004, SOJOM 2004, Symposium on Joining of Materials, held at Welding Research Institute WRI, Tiruchirappalli. 9. A.S.Shahi and Sunil Pandey, Effect of auxiliary preheating of weld wire on quality of Gas metal arc stainless steel claddings, All India conference on Recent developments in Manufacturing and Quality Mangement-RDMQM-2007, held from October 5-6, 2007, Punjab Engineering College, (Deemed University), Chandigarh. 10. A.S.Shahi and Sunil Pandey, Welding current prediction in GMAW and Universal-GMAW process using factorial design approach, held from February 13-14, 2009, National Conference on Welding Technology-NCWT-09, SLIET, Longowal, Punjab. 11. Avik Bhattacharya, Pratyush Bhaskar and A.S.Shahi, Influence of groove design on the tensile strength of MAG welded butt joints, held from February 13-14, 2009, National Conference on Welding Technology-NCWT-09, SLIET, Longowal, Punjab. 12. J. S. Gill and A.S.Shahi, Advancements in Gas metal arc welding process-A review, held from February 13-14, 2009, National Conference on Welding Technology-NCWT-09, SLIET, Longowal, Punjab. 13. Dikshant Malhotra, Animesh Deb and A.S.Shahi, Design and development of a set up for electromagnetic steering of the welding arc held from February 13-14, 2009, National Conference on Welding Technology-NCWT-09, SLIET, Longowal, Punjab. Research reviewed: Currently the reviewer of the following International Journals
(i) Journal of Materials Processing Technology (Publisher: Elsevier Science). (ii) International Journal of Coatings Technology and Research (Publisher: Springer). (iii) Journal of Materials and Design (Publisher: Elsevier Science). (iv) Journal of Corrosion Science (Publisher: Elsevier Science).
(v) Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (Publisher: Springer)
(vi) Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (Publisher: Springer).
Invited/Expert talks (interaction with the outside world)
1. Delivered expert talk in one day seminar on Improving weld quality and productivity organized by Chamber of Commercial & Industrial undertakings (CICU) on 30/05/2015 at Focal point Ludhiana, Punjab-India. 2. Delivered expert talk in one day seminar on Improving weld quality and productivity organized by Chamber of Commercial & Industrial undertakings (CICU) on 24/09/2016 at Focal point Ludhiana, Punjab-India. 3. Delivered expert talk in one day seminar on Improving weld quality and productivity organized by Chamber of Commercial & Industrial undertakings (CICU) on 20/10/2018 at Focal point Ludhiana, Punjab-India. 4. Delivered expert talk in one day seminar on Improving weld quality and productivity organized by Chamber of Commercial & Industrial undertakings (CICU) on 09/11/2019 at Focal point Ludhiana, Punjab-India.
5. Delivered expert talk in one day seminar on Improving weld quality and productivity organized by Chamber of Commercial & Industrial undertakings (CICU) on 27/11/2020 at Focal point Ludhiana, Punjab-India.
Seminars/Short Term Courses/Summer Schools/Winter Schools organized 1. Four Workshops on Technology Upgradation in Welding for Rural Entrepreneurs (Workshop-I) sponsored by NIRI (National Institute of Rural Industrialization), Delhi, IIT, Delhi & SLIET, Longowal. (Responsibility held as Chief Coordinator) (Workshop-I from12/07/02 13/07/02), (Workshop-II from 09/10/02 to 10/10/02), (Workshop-III from 07/01/05 08/01/05) and (Workshop-IV from 27/05/06 to 28/05/06). 2. A two days workshop on Trends in Welding and Manufacturing research (TWMR-2016) under TEQIP-II, held from 13/10/2016 to 14/10/2016 (Responsibility held as Coordinator)
(a) Doctoral research (Ph. D. thesis title and status of completion)
1. Effect of heat input on mechanical and corrosion properties of gas tungsten arc welded AISI 304 SS joints, Subodh Kumar, SLIET/Ph. D. 122/09 (Awarded).
2. Experimental studies on weldability of Quenched & Tempered steels. Varun Sharma, PME/1007 (Awarded).
3. Effect of electromagnetic steering of the welding arc on Gas metal arc stainless steel claddings, Jaspal Singh Gill, SLIET/Ph.D./60/2008 (Awarded).
4. Developing low dilution Inconel-625 surfacing procedures for improved pitting resistance and wear performance, Sandeep Singh Sandhu, PME/1004 (Awarded).
5. Welding procedures for improving mechanical and corrosion properties of welded duplex stainless steels AISI 2205 joints, Mohd. Majid, PME/1002 (Awarded).
6. Experimental studies on the effect of variable weld compositions on metallurgical, mechanical and corrosion performance of austenitic stainless steel weld metals, Dikshant Malhotra, PME/1502 (Awarded).
7. Weld procedural effects on metallurgical, impact toughness and corrosion behavior of AISI 2205 stainless steel electron beam welds, Jastej Singh, PME/1503 (Thesis submitted).
8. Bhanu Pratap Gautam (Ongoing).
(b) M.Tech. supervised
1. Effect of auxiliary mechanical vibrations into the weld pool on microstructure and mechanical properties of shielded metal arc welds, Pravin Kumar Singh (PG/WT/098402) (Completed on: 11/11/2011). 2. Effect of annealing and compaction on abrasive wear behavior of chromium carbide and tungsten carbide coatings deposited by Detonation gun spray process, Kuldeep Singh Rana (PG/ME/088319) (Completed on: 25/01/2012). 3. Effect of filler composition, heat input and post weld heat treatment on the mechanical properties of GTA welded martensitic stainless steel (AISI 410 SS) joints, Jagtar Singh (PGWLF/108402) (Completed on: 15/06/2012). 4. Experimental studies on Multipass effect on the mechanical properties of Shielded metal arc welded AISI 304 SS joints (acted as a co-supervisor), Taljeet Singh (PGWLF/108404) (Completed on: 12/11/2012). 5. Modeling of Gas metal arc welded butt joints using finite element analysis, Kuldeep Singh Jaswal (PG/WT/098410) (Completed on: 03/05/2013). 6. Effect of groove volume on the mechanical and metallurgical performance of GTA welded martensitic stainless steels joints, Mandeep Singh PG/WLF/116118) (Completed on: 19/11/2013). 7. Effect of groove design on the mechanical and metallurgical performance of 25 mm thick low carbon structural steel plates welded using Submerged arc welded process, Arshdeep Singh Kalsi (PG/WLF/116121) (Completed on: 31/01/2014). 8. Effect of auxiliary preheating of filler wire on the Clad geometry, Metallurgical characteristics, and Corrosion properties of Gas Tungsten Arc austenitic stainless steel claddings, Karan Vadhera (PG/WLF/126105) (Completed on: 05/08/2014). 9. Experimental investigations on the effect of Weld hardfacing on the wear characteristics of a hardfaced blanking die (AISI D3 steel), Charit Vyas (PG/WLF/126108) 05/08/2014 10. Effect of TIG and pulsed-TIG on the mechanical and corrosion behaviour of AISI 310SS welded joints, Akhil Arora (PG/WLF/116103) (Completed on: 05/08/2014). 11. Experimental investigations on developing hardfacing procedures for improving wear performance of the bucket nails of an excavator, Navdeep Singh Chatha (Completed on: 03/01/2014). 12. Weld procedural effects on metallurgical and mechanical behavior of grey cast iron weldments fabricated with Monel (ENiCu) wire, Gurnam Singh (PG/WLF/126103) (Completed on: 10/11/2014). 13. Effect of heat input and post weld thermal aging treatment on mechanical and pitting corrosion properties of GTA behavior of AA 7005 joints, Chetan Dixit (PG/WLF/136103) (Completed on: 23/10/2015). 14. Experimental investigations on improvement of metallurgical and mechanical performance of friction stir welded AA 7705 aluminium joints, Santosh Sharma (PG/WLF/136102) (Completed on: 26/04/2016). 15. Experimental investigations on the effect of sensitization on the metallurgical corrosion and low cycle fatigue behavior of AISI 304 SS welds, Mohit Kumar (PG/WLF/1456107) (Completed on: 24/08/2016). 16. Experimental investigations on the effect of GTA surface re-melting for improving the corrosion performance AISI 316L SS claddings, Kamal Gupta, (PG/WLF/1456112) (Completed on: 26/08/2016). 17. Effect of varying heat input and post weld thermal aging treatments on sensitization behavior of submerged arc AISI 316L welds, Vishant Kumar (PG/WLF/SL/15/2553) (Completed on: 27/07/2017). 18. Weld groove design and thermal aging influence on the metallurgical, pitting corrosion and CTOD behavior of submerged arc welded AISI 316L joints, Jaskaranpal Singh Dhillon (PG/WLF/SL/15/2565) (Completed on:). 19. Metallurgical, low temperature impact toughness and pitting corrosion behaviour of thermally aged GTA welded duplex stainless steel AISI 2205 joints, Sumeet Singh PGWLF-1650144 (Completed on: 27/07/2018). 20. Effects of weld procedural variations on the metallurgical and mechanical behaviour of magnesium alloy, Vishal Gupta PGWLF-1650111 (Completed on: 27/07/2018). 21. Investigations on high temperature wear and metallurgical characteristics of Stellite 6 GTA (gas tungsten arc) weld claddings, Adarsh Prakash PGWLF-1750154 (Completed on: 15/07/2019).
22. Effect of thermal aging on tensile, impact toughness and corrosion properties of GTAW AISI 409 Ferritic stainless steel joints, Pavitra Khatri PG/WLF/1850153 (Completed on: 10/03/2021).
23. Metallurgical, mechanical and corrosion behaviour of Ferritic-Austenitic dissimilar stainless steel welds, Devendra Singh Sisodiya, PG/WLF/1850157 (Completed on: 10/03/2021).
Consultancy work undertaken
Consultancy given to JCBL, Lalru, Distt. Mohali, Punjab, India (this company holds 40% market share of the bus bodies fabrication work in India) in December 14-12, 2007 & January 04-06, 2008 . The work included: (i) Conducted two workshops for 80 no. welders of the company and the supervisory staff. (ii) Provided on the spot solutions to various problems related to weld quality and productivity for fabrication of bus bodies. (iii) Evaluated the skill of the welders after training them and then graded them according to their performance.
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