Dr. Rajesh Kumar

Basic Details


Dr. Rajesh Kumar




Mechanical Engineering


Phone (O)






Educational Details

Educational Qualification

Ph.D. (IIT Delhi), 2003;
M.E. (MNREC/MNNIT Allahabad), 1992;
B.E. (MIT Muzaffarpur), 1990



a) Working in SLIET Longowal since September 1994
(Handled assignments of Dean (Student Welfare) 2021-2024; HoD (Mechanical Engg.) 2018-2021; Dean (R&C) 2015-2017; Chairman SET (2014 & 2015) )
b) 2 yrs of experience in Process Industry.

Book Authored

Book authored

Book Chapters:

(1)  “Separation of Impulse from Oscillation for Detection of Bearing Defect in the Vibration Signal” in book ADVANCES IN CONDITION MONITORING OF MACHINERY IN NON-STATIONARY OPERATIONS, Editor: A. Fernandez Del Rincon F. Viadero Rueda, Fakher Chaari, Radoslaw Zimroz, Mohamed Hadder

Publisher: Springer (ISBN: 978-3-030-11220-2), 2019, pp. 281-289.


(2)  “Conventional machining of particulate aluminium silicon carbide metal matrix composite: Review and discussion” in book MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY: MACHINING OPERATIONS, TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, Editor: J. Paulo Davim, Publisher: Nova Science Publishers (ISBN: 978-1-62100-579-7), Inc. , New York, 2013, pp. 89-114.


(3)  “Application of Digital Speckle Pattern Interferometry (DSPI) in Determination of Elastic Modulus Using Plate Vibration” in book RECENT ADVANCES IN MECHANICS, Editors: Anthony N. Kounadis and Emmanuel E. Gdoutos

Publisher: Springer (ISBN 978-94-007-0556-2), 2011, pp. 329-341



Multi point tapper for pressurizing piezoelectric Element (Design Patent No. 325941-001), Awarded on 28/10/2020, Inventors: Er. Nitin Yadav and Dr. Rajesh Kumar

Professional Memebership

Professional Membership

1) Senior Member: IACSIT, Singapore
2) Member : ISTE, New Delhi



Placed in the list of Stanford University’s Top 2% most influential scientists for the year 2020, 2023 and 2024.



Publications : More than 80

(a) Journals:
International : 56 (published) + 2 (communicated)
National : 07 (published)
(In SCI Journals having Impact Factor more than one: 50+)


(b) Conference proceedings:
International : 15 (published)
National : 12 (published)


(c) Google Citations of papers : 2700+
Google ‘H’ index: 33 (Excluding self citation)
Google ‘i-10’ index: 56


(d) Research Gate Citations of papers :  2450+

Research Gate ‘H’ index: 32 (Excluding self citation)
RG Interest Score: 1300+ (June 2024); RG Interest Score: 1346+


(e) Vidwan Score: 9


Selected list of publications:
i) Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=C8Fs6KgAAAAJ&hl=en
ii) Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rajesh-Kumar-340
iii) ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3955-8282

iv) Vidwan iD: https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/227070



Area of Research: Vibration and Condition monitoring, signal processing, Precision metrology, metal machining, Occupational stresses

————————————————————————————————————————————Completed Research Project:

1) “Development of Fault Identification System for the water turbine making use of Vibration Signal and Artificial Intelligence” sponsored by AICTE New Delhi (2019-2023), Govt. of India. Amount 17 Lakhs.

2) “Development of opto-mechatronic system for stress analysis and identification of defects in components” sponsored by MHRD New Delhi (Government of India).

3) “Development of Elastomers from linseed oil and Vibration Damping Characterization through a fabricated Machine” sponsored by UGC,Delhi (Government of India).
Supervised students for Ph.D. (10) & M.Tech. (22+) thesis for which degree has been awarded. Few students are currently working for their dissertations.